February 15, 2010
Valentine's Day chocolates
New Year's Cards
February 8, 2010
Eating Shit

I rolled towards it with some decent speed, and hit the barrel going decently fast. Being an inexperienced jumper, I wasn't ready for the way the shape of the barrel was going to affect me and I apparently ended up like this:
I laneded on my left shoulder and head, though to a lesser extent, before the rest of my body hit the ground. I sort of crawled over to the side a couple of feet before collapsing. It definitely hurt, but not as much as one might think when 170 odd lbs and a snowboard plus gear falls from about 6 or 7 feet in the air onto a single shoulder. My friend found me and made sure I was ok, then I got down the mountain with my goggles and beanie in my hand and took a break before continuing til they closed, though I only managed one more jump and it was a small one. On my next trip up, I checked out the landing, and found the main indention of my body was about 9 or 10 feet beyond the barrel, meaning I was in the air the entire time. My buddy Gabe said he could see my head above the barrel and that thing was at least 3 or 4 feet high.
Suffice to say it was very scary.
February 2, 2010
Presenting Akina
February 1, 2010
It spreads...
On the plus side, I have a chance to experiment with Japanese medication/remedies. I'm taking things that look like this , suppliments of about 400 mgs of Vitamin C. Also drank one of these Oronamin C drinks today, an energy drink that has another couple hundred of mgs. Add to that a ton of orange juice, mikan, and veggie soup cooked up by Akina and hopefully this thing will be gone by the time Yukigassen rolls around this weekend.