August 29, 2008

I feel like a champ

Why? I just handled my business in one of these:

With legs tired from my first consecutive hard cardio workouts (stairclimber/treadmill + basketball), in slippers designed for someone with size 8.5 feet (mine are 11), without any clothes touching the floor. I`ve done it before, but I don`t know if I was sober enough to really enjoy conquering another aspect of the culture. Props to me, and sorry mom for the crude post, but you know how I am.
2 of my schools ONLY HAVE THESE. It`s been a concern of mine since I started going to work, but up until today I was able to avoid them. They also tend to be the only option in places like train stations, bars, and some restaurants. The plus side of the availability of places like McDonald`s is that they almost always have western toilets, and no one seems to care if you come in, use it, and leave. It seems apathy exists in fast food workers the world over, no matter how polite they might sound.


S said...

take it from a girl, you have it easy as a dude.

Androo said...


Haha, I never EVER forget that ^_^

duplex said...

You are hilarious

Anonymous said...

Now, I know why Asians can squat and Americans can't!