FINALLY!! It's done! The guys from the BOE had to order a new modem from NTT ADSL and they set it up today. Now I can finally show off the 2500 or so pictures I've taken so far!
Here's the apartment:
Want to hear what I think about the Japanese country side, teaching elementary school, living in an apartment the size of a closet and driving and eating all over Japan? I know I do! Welcome to Asago-shi in Hyogo-ken.
Umm, no larger versions?
@def selector
You'll have to excuse me, I had a migraine so bad I couldn`t see the screen...medium is just the default setting I guess. Still in the process of uploading to flickr and facebook.
I'm probably going to take all new pics. It was a bit messy that first night.
Yay! We FINALLY get to see pictures!!!!
cute apartment, but a bit small
Bryan bought a car today ask him to send you pictures
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