So December was busy for me...
- Played Santa on at least 8 different days, usually breaking a decent sweat as I danced and sang in class. The things you do as a gaijin least the kids (mostly) liked the candy canes I went to the trouble of bringing back from an LA Costco.
- Had my bonenkai/year end party. The kanji used actually mean you are supposed to forget the year at this party, which means you ignore all the bad, eat, drink, and remember the good. We went to Obama City in Fukui Prefecture. Obama-shi has been backing Barack Obama basically since his official nomination by the Dems, and I figured it was some kind of sign that the day I was asked to go was the day he was officially elected.
- Played Santa on at least 8 different days, usually breaking a decent sweat as I danced and sang in class. The things you do as a gaijin least the kids (mostly) liked the candy canes I went to the trouble of bringing back from an LA Costco.
- Had my bonenkai/year end party. The kanji used actually mean you are supposed to forget the year at this party, which means you ignore all the bad, eat, drink, and remember the good. We went to Obama City in Fukui Prefecture. Obama-shi has been backing Barack Obama basically since his official nomination by the Dems, and I figured it was some kind of sign that the day I was asked to go was the day he was officially elected.
This was a lot of fun, more than I expected. Ate blowfish (for the first time) and crab, drank way too much sake and beer, did karaoke, got in a hot bath with some teachers, ran through a freezing night, and bascially had a ball.
- Christmas, Japan-style! KFC (I had to make a reservation), white cake with out-of-season strawberries, and random other items at our foreigner potluck. Had poutine for the first time...I'm sure it's better when you don't have to use cubed cheddar that costs about $3 for 5 oz.

- Final community center English class - I was so happy that this farce of a class ended. I dreaded it, the kids dreaded it, and we were all glad to bid it farewell. The community center was really nice, though, and prepped drinks and Mr. Donut for everyone, and even had gift bags.
- Mini-bonenkai with my 4-year-old English student and his family + JJ - Was invited to another crab feast the day after my school's bonenkai, and gladly accepted. Drank, ate, talked, met the dad, and played with Riku (the 4-year-old) and Ryo (the toddler...maybe 2 years?). JJ was a big hit with them, as he seems to be with all the kids I've seen him around.
- Progress on the girl front - Got her a present that she seemed to enjoy (said she was going to cry), spent a day with her, eating, shopping, and BS'ing. Now if I can just get my ass in gear...
- Bought a snowboard - Used, K2 with K2 bindings, mainly black, about $120
- Made my first Japanese kite - pics to come, played with 1st/2nd graders the day I left for Tokyo
- Japan travels begin - the afternoon of the 26th, I left for Tokyo. Met up with Clint on day 1, Ben and Mike for Days 2-11. Separate post on this later.
Progress in taiko - Finally feeling like a real part of the group, and am talking a bit more during practice...mainly because I don't need to spend every bit of brain power trying to memorize things anymore :)
- Christmas, Japan-style! KFC (I had to make a reservation), white cake with out-of-season strawberries, and random other items at our foreigner potluck. Had poutine for the first time...I'm sure it's better when you don't have to use cubed cheddar that costs about $3 for 5 oz.
- Final community center English class - I was so happy that this farce of a class ended. I dreaded it, the kids dreaded it, and we were all glad to bid it farewell. The community center was really nice, though, and prepped drinks and Mr. Donut for everyone, and even had gift bags.
- Mini-bonenkai with my 4-year-old English student and his family + JJ - Was invited to another crab feast the day after my school's bonenkai, and gladly accepted. Drank, ate, talked, met the dad, and played with Riku (the 4-year-old) and Ryo (the toddler...maybe 2 years?). JJ was a big hit with them, as he seems to be with all the kids I've seen him around.
- Progress on the girl front - Got her a present that she seemed to enjoy (said she was going to cry), spent a day with her, eating, shopping, and BS'ing. Now if I can just get my ass in gear...
- Bought a snowboard - Used, K2 with K2 bindings, mainly black, about $120
- Made my first Japanese kite - pics to come, played with 1st/2nd graders the day I left for Tokyo
- Japan travels begin - the afternoon of the 26th, I left for Tokyo. Met up with Clint on day 1, Ben and Mike for Days 2-11. Separate post on this later.
Progress in taiko - Finally feeling like a real part of the group, and am talking a bit more during practice...mainly because I don't need to spend every bit of brain power trying to memorize things anymore :)
"Progress on the girl front - Got her a present that she seemed to enjoy (said she was going to cry), spent a day with her, eating, shopping, and BS'ing. Now if I can just get my ass in gear..."
Did I miss a key entry? I'm looking everywhere for another reference to this mysterious 'her.' What's the story? Or a name - I'd be satisfied with a name :)
@ Marsha
Yeah, I suppose this has been coming to a head over the last month or so, a period in which I basically didn't update at all ^_^;
So here's the deal: met her through one of my many extracurricular activities, and she's one of the funnier people I've met here. Figured out sometime around the end of November that I was into her, and have been trying to get out of the "friend zone." We've hung out together, gone drinking, had dinner, but I'm being too hesitant. There's random Japanese people encouraging me, like one of my student's moms, my barber, etc. What makes things interesting is that she's supposed to be moving in a couple of months, not far, but much further than she is now.
Time is of the essence, my friend. Take it from a woman who's been there...say something! It shows you care enough to risk embarrassing yourself by showing your true feelings. That's the kind of courage most women appreciate.
The worst that happens is she doesn't want to risk screwing up your current relationship by taking things further. You've grown by taking the leap and you still have a friend you can laugh with.
On the other hand, she could be willing to jump in with you and whatever happens after that,well...At least you won't be regretting your reticence a year from now and wondering "What if?"
You're thinking too much! Just do it!
The Andrew I remember shoves his ass into random people at the club, not hesitates on this stuff for months.
Dude, when did you turn into Keitaro?
"DOOD!" My stomach is so upset that I saw all those food pix!...and I just ate! Man! I miss me some good Japanese food. Kokuran!!! Why did you leave us??!! Nezeeeeeeeeeeee?!!!!!
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