October 8, 2009


...is something I need to do more of. The last few weeks have been crazy busy, with stuff on the weekends requiring me to get up before noon (I know! Insanity!). Now that college football is here, I can more or less say goodbye to sleeping in on Sundays, and lately even Saturdays have seen me getting up before lunch time due to poor sleeping conditions (I pass out at a friend's house and wake up with my wallet poking me in the butt and sore eyes from sleeping with my contacts in) or activities that require my attention (shopping before doing things in the afternoon).

It used to be so easy to sleep til noon on a Saturday and still catch most of the college football I wanted to see, but now that USC games show up at 7-9 am, that's out the window. I've tried recording the games and watching them later, but I always end up getting a text or seeing a status on Facebook or something that spoils it for me.

With my now twice a week English classes, the gym, basketball, and taiko (plus normal things like laundry, cleaning, prep work blah blah blah), there's not a single weeknight I'm not busy. Time to get re-organized and re-oriented I think.

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