Day 2: Bank again to deposit that lovely re-location check from our old apartment, headed into LA to meet up with LAUSD folks for lunch at Langer's. Mmm, pastrami. Hung out for a bit, headed back to my brother's apartment, got some Gears of War 2 in, then headed to Weiland's for happy hour. Drank, ate, and fell asleep at the bar by 10. Went back to bro's place, stayed up til about 4 playing video games.

Day 4: Wedding time! David was kind enough to drive me out there, along with his gf, and I got to see some people I hadn't seen in a while. Met Eddie's baby, shot the shit with the boys, danced with the girls, ate, drank beers, sang to Journey, and had a rockin' good time. Too bad it was so short. Got home, went for more Mexican at Molcasalsa and headed back to LA. Pulled an all-nighter playing Madden, and got ready to get on a plane.
Update on my airplane situation: got a $150 voucher. I figure that kind of makes up for the extra $50 bucks, plus 3 hours, plus exacerbation of a sore throat I got from walking around Japan at 1 in the morning.
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