March 11, 2009

Fitness goals

So I looked at my body fat percentage today for the first time in about a year and while it's down to 18.8 from 24.5 when I was in LA, it's still not at the sub-15 level that was my New Year's Resolution last year. I'm down to aout 74.5 kilos, which is just under 164 lbs, but that doesn't mean anything if it's all flab. This country and my lifestyle cause me to lose weight without necessarilly dropping only fat, so it's my new goal to be around 15 by the time my birthday in June rolls around. Maybe that's unrealistic, but there's a few reasons why that's my deadline:

Summer = the beach and beach parties...and girls :)
Tajima Ultimate - Ultimate Frisbee tournament in our area that I'm learning how to run as well as participating in. Our team is looking like it'll be small, which means less subs, which means more running around for me. Time to get in REAL shape.
New clothes - none of my shorts, outside of athletic ones, fit anymore. This means I need to buy new stuff, and I want to make sure I only have to do it once.
I'll be turning 27...what better time to get in the best shape of my life?

I'm sure this interests very few, but it's said that publishing your goals helps you achieve them and I'm want to make sure I have no excuses. This may mean less beer, but I'll try to make sure it doesn't mean less ramen :)

Speaking of which, the other day, JJ and I had a kaedama challenge. We basically ordered noodle refills until we couldn't eat anymore...we both stopped at 4 (5 total bowls of noodles) and declared it a draw.

1 comment:

JJ キャッパ said...


There were 2 categories, and we both won one a piece.

Although, well, we did draw in the noodles eaten category though.

So three categories.

That ended in a draw.